• A slow but strong dynamic class. We move with awareness and breath through flowing sequences, allowing you time to enter the postures and feel the strengthening and mobilising effects of the movements. We move to music, there are many options offered so all levels are welcome. This is a good class for beginners. There will be a relaxation at the end of class.

  • Hot Yoga is practiced in a room heated to 34ºc. The heat of the space, generated through infrared panels, creates an intense workout, helps you de-stress and detoxifies the body. Hot yoga classes significantly improve strength and flexibility.

    The yoga class will be challenging but accessible to everyone. Options are always offered. Beginners are welcome at Hot Yoga classes.

  • A different style of Hoy Yoga class. This class is compromised of 26 postures and two breathing exercises in a heated room, suitable for all ages and levels of ability.

    Each posture prepares you for the next, building on and increasing the benefit from the previous one. Regular practice leads to incredible results like improved posture, muscle and joint mobility, concentration, increased energy, and overall rejuvenation.

    26+2 Hot Yoga systematically works your every muscle, tendon, joint, ligament, organ and gland. As well as allowing your body to stretch, cleanse and detoxify. It acts like a preventative medicine, strengthening your immune system and helping relieve chronic pain such as arthritis, joint, knee and back issues.

    The postures massage your internal organs and stimulate your endocrine and nervous systems, aiding release of any deficient hormones and enzymes, which can greatly reduce stress levels and help with depression and anxiety.

  • Iyengar Yoga is one the most practised forms of Yoga in the world, named after its founder B.K.S. Iyengar.

    It is for everyone, no matter age, fitness or ability. The poses or ‘asanas’ are focused on precision and alignment which in turn helps to quieten the mind.

    Each pose has a particular effect upon the body, and the poses are put together in different sequences depending on the particular focus of that class e.g. back bends, front bends, twists. Props are used, such as blocks and belts, not only to assist those with stiffness, but also to teach a particular action in each pose. Sometimes different people need different props for the same pose. The body will be helped to open gradually and then wound down at the end of the class. A student will discover how to understand their own body: its strengths and its limitations, and how to help themselves improve without injury. They will build up strength, stamina and resilience.

    Students will also be introduced to Pranayama or yoga breathing. This can be challenging at first, but the body is put into a restful pose to prepare the mind to settle.

    The student should leave a class feeling balanced and refreshed both physically and mentally.

  • A floor based, slow, restorative and deeply relaxing yoga class. There is no dynamic movement here. This class is designed to work deeply into your fascia, nervous system and meridian pathways. You will leave feeling rejuvenated and restored. This is a good class for beginners.

  • Pilates is a mind-body workout designed to strengthen your core muscles and joints. It will improve your posture, tone your muscles, reduce stress and help you to become stronger and fitter. Pilates is also widely recognised to help the recovery of injuries and back pain in particular.