“Truth vibrates at a specific frequency. You don’t only hear it, but you also feel it.”
Crystal bowl sound baths are a form of healing that uses different vibrations to heal the mind, body and spirit. It works on two principles: that different emotions vibrate at different levels and that blocked or unexpressed emotions are the main source of poor physical and mental health. Sound can bring a natural healing through its vibrations.
When things change inside you, things change around you. YOU own your power but sometimes we need reminding and guidance in this, through the journey of breath and sound, to tune back into self and find focus and clarity.
About Samantha:
My name is Samantha and I’m a Mother and Sound Healer.
Music has always played a huge part in what moves, heals and uplifts my soul and discovering the power of crystal bowl vibrations has completely changed my life by enabling me to find peace in a noisy world.
It is one of life’s experiences that no doubt aids each of us in varying ways. Connecting. Clearing. Realigning. Crystal bowl sound healing can be as profound as you wish it to be, but ultimately the sound vibrations help you attain a deeper meditation and form of relaxation throughout the whole body.
Connection is a positive power to all around us but also to ourselves. It is a universal energy felt by all. Though I cannot see it, I feel it very deeply. Though I cannot touch, it it creates a lasting change in me. And, though I may not seek it, I find healing in its vibrations.
I have always had my heart wide open to all around me, with deep empathy, inspired and attuned to the rhythms and cycles of Mother Nature. Passionate about making a positive, empowering difference in other people’s lives, either through story telling as an actress or working with children and mothers across the globe, sound healing came to me after I became a mother to my son, River, and it has been a beautiful gift which I am always minded to share.
The first time I went to a sound bath it felt mysterious and other-worldly. I was in quite a difficult place in my life with PTSD and a tiny sleep thief. I was just expecting to perhaps have some much needed sleep and switch off. However, after an hour session, which felt like a lifetime and a blink of the eye, I was surprised to discover how transformative the experience was for me. It was as if the sound vibrations from the bowls had the ability to move to the deepest levels of my inner physicality, while simultaneously taking me on an expansive journey in my mind. It was a moving experience for me but one that also gave me some peace at a time that I needed it the most.
I’m honoured to be joining Louise’s beautifully curated retreat and look forward to meeting everyone.